Our Services

  • High Quality Tuition in Feltham

    Finding the best quality tuition for your child can be difficult. But with Feltham Tuition, your search is over. We’re the best tuition centre in Feltham, offering tuition across a range of subjects, and cover Key Stage 1 and 2, GCSE, and 11 Plus.

    Our tuition services cover Feltham, Hanworth, Bedfont, Sunbury, and Hounslow. At Feltham Tuition, you’ll find only the highest quality tutors who cover a range of subjects and help your child learn the best ways to master their exams, whatever level they’re at. We support each child using a bespoke service that’s catered to each individual’s needs.

    What Subjects Do We Cover?

    At Feltham Tuition, we cover the core school subjects that your child might need assistance with. The level of complexity in our tuition is equally catered to their school level, but we cover primary, secondary, and GCSE level tuition.

    Maths Tuition

    Our maths tuition is tailored to cover the core areas of school-level maths, including:

    • Numbers – Indices, standard forms, etc.
    • Geometry – Angles, symmetry, translation, etc.
    • Algebra – Graphs, sequences, equations, etc.
    • Statistics – Sampling, probability, etc.


    Of course, we adapt our tuition to suit your child’s areas of concern. We understand that maths can be a daunting subject for children, regardless of their age or ability level, and so we work with your child to produce a tutoring schedule that targets key areas to help them exceed.

    What sets maths apart from many other school subjects is that every child is expected to have a pass at GCSE level in order to proceed with their studies. As a result, we make it our mission to offer maths tuition that’ll help them get the grades they need to move on to college or employment.

    Feltham Tuition offers maths tuition at secondary level and GCSE in Feltham, Hanworth, Bedfont, Sunbury, and Hounslow.

    English Tuition

    Like maths, English is a core subject that every student must pass. However, this can often create barriers for children who find language and literacy skills difficult to master. This is where English tuition comes in: we address any areas where your child might need help in order for them to find value in the subject.

    As the best tuition centre in Feltham, we cover the core areas your child needs to excel in their English exams:

    • Critical reading and comprehension skills
    • Writing for impact and clarity, including relevant spelling and grammar
    • Spoken language skills, including presenting ideas and information

    We also offer English tuition for primary- and secondary-age children of all skill levels and abilities, as English language comprehension is a necessary and vital skill for everyone. After all, English language ability carries over into every other subject, regardless of where your child’s interests lie.

    Feltham Tuition offers English tuition at secondary level and GCSE in Feltham, Hanworth, Bedfont, Sunbury, and Hounslow.

    Science Tuition

    Feltham Tuition also offers science tuition, covering the 3 key subjects (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) broken down into key areas. Science can be a difficult subject for children to master, and so we tailor our tuition to suit their abilities and needs.

    Every child sits a science GCSE in some form, so it’s necessary for them to have a skill level that’ll allow them to pass. As part of our tuition services, we not only cover important information but also skills for passing the relevant exams.

    Along with GCSE science tuition, Feltham tuition also offers secondary school level science tuition in Feltham, Hanworth, Bedfont, Sunbury, and Hounslow.


    What Ages Do You Cover?

    Feltham Tuition is a service open to children of both primary and secondary school levels. Much of our service is based around the understanding that the earlier we provide extra tuition, the more chance your child has of flourishing and overcoming any mental blocks they might have.


    Key Stage 1

    Key Stage 1 covers years 1 and 2 in primary school and is an important age for your child’s mental development. Any issues they may have at this age with core subjects can have a knock-on effect for their later enthusiasm at school.

    Therefore, if you notice your child is having difficulty with their English and Maths, we recommend arranging extra tuition to help them overcome any obstacles as early as possible.

    Feltham Tuition offers Key Stage 1 tuition in English and Maths in Feltham, Hanworth, Bedfont, Sunbury, and Hounslow.

    Key Stage 2

    Key Stage 2 covers primary school years 3 to 6, and is an important build-up to the SATs at the end of year 6. Much like with Key Stage 1, any difficulties in these formative years can make a child’s time at secondary school much harder.

    Our Key Stage 2 tuition covers core areas in English and Maths to ensure your child has all the skills needed to excel in their SATs and to have a good start when they move into secondary school. Feltham Tuition offers Key Stage 2 tuition in English and Maths in Feltham, Hanworth, Bedfont, Sunbury, and Hounslow.


    Secondary and GCSE

    Secondary school is of course when subjects start becoming more complex and specialised, so it’s understandable that some children find the learning curve very steep. Much of what they learn in years 7 to 9 lays the foundations for what they’ll cover at GCSE, so it’s important subject matter.

    What’s more, we all know the importance of GCSEs for determining a child’s future. They help to decide what they can do at college, affect employment opportunities, and more. It’s a lot of pressure to put on children, and that’s why we offer tuition services to help them pass GCSE exams.


    11+ Exams

    Is your child sitting an 11+ exam for entrance into a particular school? While the exams are no longer compulsory, many grammar and private schools offer them as a test for a child’s academic potential. However, yet more exams at this age can be quite daunting for children.

    Feltham Tuition offers 11+ exam tuition tailored specifically to the information tested on these exams. This often includes reasoning, English, maths, and more. We cover all the important areas to help your child pass 11+ exams with flying colours.

    Best Tuition in Feltham

    Feltham Tuition is the best tuition centre in Feltham, but we also cover Hanworth, Bedfont, Sunbury, and Hounslow. Our tutors are dedicated to helping your child overcome any difficulties they might have in their core subjects, regardless of age or ability level.

    We cover maths tuition and English tuition at all ages, including GCSE, and science tuition from year 7 onwards. So if you’re looking for excellent tuition in Feltham and the surrounding areas, contact us today to see how we can help your child.