To test Numerical Reasoning skills with your child, you, first of all, have to help them develop the understanding to reason using tables, charts, and graphs.
Most necessary abilities are covered in KS2 maths. So the 11+ Maths & Numerical Reasoning examinations include the same subjects as Key Stage 2 plus a few topics added at the start of Key Stage 3. The only extra materials needed for 11+ preparation in these areas are practise papers of the proper level and type.
There are a lot of free maths resources to test numerical reasoning skills available on the internet, covering core arithmetic skills and all of the KS2 Key Objectives, which are a great help when preparing to test numerical reasoning.
Examine current skill
The Initial Assessment to test numerical reasoning of your child is essential before they start any preparation, even if it is only to keep track of their abilities so you can track their development. You must consider several factors while evaluating a student’s present abilities.
Learn the Topic
Unlike Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning, mathematics and numerical reasoning abilities are taught in school, so your child should be acquainted with many of the subjects included in the 11 plus maths examinations. However, some students need more help than others while preparing for 11+ mathematics.
If your child is good at mathematics and you are short on time, you may skip the fundamentals and focus on previous 11+ mock exam papers, returning to the basics only if they struggle with any areas revealed by mixed practise papers.
Master 11 Plus Maths Basics and prepare effectively:
Watch Math Tutorial Videos 11+ one at a time
After viewing each topic’s video, practise the questions.
Get KS2 maths key objectives and free worksheets for every subject.
Timing isn’t as essential as comprehension at this stage, so give your child as much time as they need.
If you need additional help with the subjects, you may use these handy guides with practice questions for each: ‘How to do 11+ Maths’.
Once your child has mastered the main subjects, go on to mixed practise sheets (timed).
Although the 11+ Maths exams will keep you occupied for a long time, it is also beneficial to expose your child to a range of publishers and to practise online and offline testing to test numerical reasoning skills. Depending on your time, you may simply include some of the suggested ’11+ book resources in your preparation plan. A few of the packs include physical practise papers, while others are add-on exams or practise papers to download and print instantly.
Repeat questions on subjects your child struggles with until they are mastered.
Currently, CEM (Durham University) and GL Assessment are the most frequently used test publishers in the UK, although others (e.g. Moray House, CSSE – Consortium for Selective Schools in Essex) cover similar subjects. To prepare for the big day, we suggest learning the fundamental KS2 subjects and extending into basic algebra.
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