• Create a schedule and routine for your children

      • Attend parent evenings, get to know your child’s teachers, ask them for advice on how to best assist your child. They see what you may not spot- trust their professional judgment.
      • Keep on top of the different assignments received from the school. Parents should be helping their children establish a good pace for completing the work.

    • Find ways of making learning fun and exciting

      • Lead by example. Your children are cleverer than you think- they will do what they see you do so have a plan in place, but be flexible as this is something that is difficult for kids as well. Consistent bed times and wake up times can help with the routine.
      • Have regular breaks during the day including healthy meals, snacks and play time.
      • Keep distractions to an absolute minimum – there is a time for play and a time for study so no tablets, no PS or Netflix until the homework is done and done well!
      • Allow your child breaks during homework assignments – this way you will teach them time management.

    • Keep in mind the specific needs based on your children’s age group

      • Having a good routine of studying at home takes time and will be different for children based on their age. It’s very important to have a different approach for each one of your children.
      • Help but do not do your child’s homework. Allow your children to make mistakes and reflect on their failures. Make a point-explain and exemplify – teach them to take ownership of their

    • Keep in contact with your child’s school

      • It’s not always about studying Maths, English and Science. Try and make activities fun by including things like puzzles, painting, drawing, arts and crafts. Additionally audio books can be used to help improve children’s listening and memory retention skills.
      • Do not overload your child with too many extracurricular activities- focus on the essentials first.
      • Be a mentor. Motivate. Encourage. Reinforce positive behaviors rather than reprimand your child for every single mistake. It is, after all, a learning journey.

  • Ask for help from us if you need it. We are here for you!

    Monitor your child’s work. If an alarm bell rings, do not delay- speak to the teachers and contact us. We are here to help. All you have to do is ask