• Health & Safety

    We want to ensure that your child studies in a safe environment and, therefore, we take Health and Safety very seriously. As a result, and in line with the Health & Safety for schools guidance issued by the Department for Education (Click here), we have implemented the following measures to ensure safety for children.

    • Centre Manager

      We have appointed a centre manager to ensure that the health and safety duties at the premises are being adhered to

    • Use of camera

      A security camera (CCTV) at the main entrance is there to ensure the safety of your children.

    • Use of Gate

      Children are not allowed to leave the premises without consent and the entrance door is guarded by the Gate for which we keep a key.

    • First Aid personnel

      We have a qualified first aider on site available for assistance in case of an emergency.

    • School security

      We also have school security personnel on site to ensure safety.

    • DSL

      We follow the statutory KCSIE guidance for schools and colleges and have appointed a Designated Safeguarding Lead

    • Using school premises

      We use classroom facilities on the school premises, mainly to provide maximum health and safety to children. The school is well equipped with fire doors and emergency exits and provides a safe environment for parents to send their kids to.

    • School cleaning facility

      There is a school cleaning facility, which ensures that your child is able to study in a clean and safe environment.

    • Sickness

      In the event of your child feeling unwell, our staff are duty bound to report any sickness to Management who will then contact the parents requesting immediate intervention – you will then be required to collect your child from the school premises and act in the best interest of your child.

    • Children supervision

      To ensure your child’s safety and security, we have procedures in place ensuring your children are always supervised by either the teaching or administrative personnel both during class time and break times.

  • Ask for help from us if you need it. We are here for you!

    We are here to help. All you have to do is ask