5 Simple (But Powerful) Tips That Can Help You Study More in Less Time

December 01, 2021

Learning should be easy and fun. If learning turns into a chore, then the time is near when your kid will be tired of even the regular educational routine and daily homework. Are you getting 11 plus Tuition in Feltham? Do you want to improve your learning ability? Try out these simple and effective tips to ensure that your kid no longer finds it wearisome to learn anything and learns more in less time. 


Don’t Forget to Take Small Breaks While Learning 

Let’s be honest, rest is super necessary for your mind. It does not matter what you are learning and what routine you are following; rest is a must. Keeping your mind in a continuous mode of learning would benefit in the beginning, but your learning ability would diminish with time. 

Giving your mind and body rest after small sessions of learning would allow your mind to reboot itself. You’ll be able to concentrate well and learn without any hassle. 


Set Aside Your Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are one of the most disturbing elements that break your concentration while studying. Getting instant notifications from social media and messages from the friends deprives you of the ability to learn properly. Checking one notification can lead to a long session of useless scrolling. 

Once you are about to study, turn off your mobile phone and put it away. Pay 100% attention to your studies and forget everything about your mobile phone. Doing this simple practice would develop your habit of learning without the urge to check your mobile phone. The end result appears in the form of a better learning in lesser time. 


Use Different Learning Sources

Internet has opened countless opportunities for students to learn from different platforms in different mediums. Don’t confine your learning to merely textbooks or notes. Using the same learning resource can cause you a lot of confusion. 

Watch YouTube videos, search for online answers, practice problems online, and try out different websites to learn about your subject. Doing so would boost your learning. Chances are that you will find better learning material over the internet. 


Make Real-World Connections in Your Mind 

All of us have the ability to visualize. This visualization can be utilized in learning as well. Make connections between the current topic and the information that you already know about. You would surely witness an improvement in your learning ability.

For example, electric current always from a point of higher potential to a lower potential. You can easily memorize this fact by connecting it with the flow of water. We see in our daily life that water always flows from a higher level to the lower level. 


Practice is the Secret Ingredient 

No matter what you learn, you will forget it sooner or later. But anything that is practiced multiple times makes you remember the information for a longer period. 

If you are learning something that has an element of calculation, formulation, or numbering; then practicing the subject multiple times would imprint the information on your memory. Adopting this technique would surely assist, whether you are studying by yourself or getting Maths Tuition in Feltham. 

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